September 15, 2024

The COVID Pandemic Has Not Completely Ended

Our Goal is to Complete Recovery from the Effects of the Worst Pandemic in Modern History.

Negative Consequences Remain.

Our losses have been substantial. At a minimum, we have all lost nearly four years of normal life, either isolating to avoid contacting this disease, working long hours providing badly needed health care, or otherwise struggling to keep ourselves afloat economically. Children missing school have had normal development delayed. Many adults say they have lost the feeling of optimism about the future they had just four years ago.

Many Americans Still Suffer PTSD, Or Other Symptoms, From Effects of the Pandemic.

For many people, the stress of this pandemic has left a residue of effects similar to those of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and for similar reasons. Vulnerable individuals have been left experiencing only negative feelings such as anger, pessimism, helplessness, and depression. Less serious symptoms include difficulty sleeping or concentrating, or experiencing anxiety, irritability or depression for no apparent reason. Long COVID continues to affect many individuals months after the initial infection, and little is known about prevention or treatment.

Even individuals who have avoided more serious negative effects report that the aftermath of the lifestyle changes necessitated by the pandemic has led to feelings of Isolation and loneliness.

The purpose of this website is to focus on steps to recovery for individuals and for the nation as a whole, along the way to appreciate and remember who and what we have lost, and what we may have gained.

Feel Anxious, Depressed or Isolated?

What is Pandemic PTSD? and More.

Open Newsletter for May 2024

Feel Anxious, Depressed or Isolated?

You Are Not Alone.

Read the June Newsletter

Do You Suffer From Anxiety?

Medication and Psychotherapy Can Help.

See Special Newsletter on Anxiety Treatment.

May 2024